Trying To Wake Me... Why?

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For the past four nights I have had strange encounters with ghosts or sprits. Around 3:00 I have been woken up by what feels like someone shaking me like. It is like when my mum wakes me when I'm late for school. Thinking it is my mum I just turn around and go back to sleep after looking at the clock.

The first two nights it happened I asked mum if she had tried to wake me she said no, even though I knew she would never wake me by shaking me violently. I'm really confused,

The third time this happened I saw a person but being dark all I could see was a shadow, I could make out it wasn't masculine but more like a female body type. When I looked at it, it just sat on my bed before disappearing. It's really strange after waking me violently it just sits and watches me... Why?

Can anyone help me because I don't know if it's a ghost or a sprit or demon or a sign or something and it's worrying me.

I know I'm not dreaming it because I always look at the clock afterwards and find I can't get to sleep. But I don't know if it is a ghost because I heard they can't physically touch you...

Please message me and tell me what it is or if anyone is having the same encounters and if I could stop it some how.


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