Top Hat And Tails

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This happened when I was about 13 or 14 (I am 21 now) in my house in country Victoria, Australia. It is pretty short there isn't much to it.

It was the weekend and I was up one night whilst everyone else had gone to bed. I was watching a movie of Anne Frank on TV. I have always seemed to like to watch TV in the dark, though I rarely do as mum likes the light on. This time the lights where off and I was sitting on the floor, I was restless that night and moved from floor to couch to chair to bean bag every few minutes. Then there was an ad break and I looked behind me and I saw a man walk from the end of my couch a few steps to the front door. Well walk is the only way I figure he moved as I didn't see anything from the hips down.

He was wearing a black top hat, and black tails, with black pants and a white shirt and black suspenders, and he had a cane, black with a silver top, more of a fashion thing then a walking aid. He took a few steps and disappeared, I got up quickly and turned the light on and watched the rest of the movie with the light on.

At first I thought it was an image from Anne Frank I had just seen it in the room, but I realized that the clothes where of a much later period then Anne Frank.

Also, something I didn't find out for years afterward. A week before my father was killed in a work place accident my mum had a dream about him dying and when he went to the job that killed him she had a strong urge to tell him not to go, unfortunately she didn't, and a few weeks after his accident mum was half asleep, mum and dad always slept on there sides, mum was on her side half asleep and she felt the other side of the bed depress and she thought it was me, and then she felt arms around her, basically spooning her, and she thought it was weird so she rolled over and there was no one there.

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