They Won't Let Me Sleep

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I've been having experiences with the paranormal since I was about 12 or 13, I'm 21 now. As a teenager a few friends and I used to conduct séances and do things to scares ourselves, many things happened to us in these times and we eventually understood we didn't know what we were doing, so we stopped playing about with the unknown.

When I was about 16 we moved into a very old house where my uncle used to live. I still remember those three or four days after we had moved in. I was home alone and I could hear a power point flicking in the room next door. I knew it was a spirit but I didn't feel threatened...

But as the years passed I noticed there was more than one spirit in the house. One minute I would feel completely relaxed around one spirit, the next minute I would get the creeps. This is how I came to the conclusion there was more than one...

Many friends that have come to my house have commented on feeling like they were being watched. One actually said that they felt it was an old man, which is funny because I felt there was an old man there too.

I don't live inside the actual house but in a bungalow out in the back yard. Two or three years ago I started to notice a presence in my room, like I was constantly being watched from one particular spot, and there would also be cracking noises. I did feel like I wasn't wanted out there and it did give me the creeps. About eighteen months ago I had this bizarre experience where I thought I was dreaming; a lady with an angry look on her face walked towards me and slapped me. I woke up holding my face. I've always wondered whether I was in a semi sleep state and did this actually happened for real...?

Things have been going missing, my TV remote has never been found even after I turned my room upside down looking for it. Water droplets have fallen on me from nowhere... A few years ago I had real problems with sleep walking.

In the last year things have been getting crazy out there. I get the feeling this spirit doesn't want me sleeping, because whenever I get to that stage when I'm about to drift into a deep sleep, I hear a loud thud or a crack or something falls over. I've also been waking up with bruises on my knuckles...

I've been at breaking point in the last two weeks, it seems this spirit has got very angry with me, I don't know why. I've been hearing footsteps circling my bed, strings being plucked on my guitar, the window blinds moving, and loud thuds against the walls.

It has scared me so much I slept inside one night, and then I got worried I'd given it the upper hand. So the next night I went back out and everything was fine. But the next night things started up again.

I sat up in my bed and said out loud "Do you want to start do ya?" the second I said that a poster ripped off the wall and stuff flew out from under my bed. I slept inside again that night.

Two nights ago I decided to smudge. The night I smudged I removed surfboards and stuff from the corner I felt I was being watched, where the spirit stood. Everything was fine that night. Last night, the night after smudging, I was paid a visit yet again. It was early in the night, only around 8:30pm I went to bed. There was tapping on the windows, footsteps like someone running, and it sounded like something was being thrown from wall to wall. I went and slept inside again.

Things do happen inside, they just don't scare me as much and I don't feel as if they're after me in there, well I did think that.

Last night when I was sleeping on my mum's bed I woke up to the feeling that something was hovering above my face, then it was gone. I also woke up twice being shaken... I've also experienced this in my room.

I don't know what to do. I've asked them to leave, I've smudged, and I've laid out salt around my windows... What else? I feel like I'm helpless and no one else can help me neither.

And the thing that scares me as well is that I'm moving house in a few weeks and I'm scared it's going to follow me, and I will be living alone.

Please help guys!

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