I'm Not Alone

I believe I have an extraordinary sense and ability of being able to see spirits around me at any time. I even have memories that date back as early as when I was 7 years old and having feelings of a "presence" around me or "angels".

Anyway- I'm not only able to sense they are near me, but I also see silhouettes of people walking around my house. Sometimes they peek around the corners of the walls after I pass a room, looking at me and watching me. A lot of times I get the feeling that they are trying to play a joke on me or tiring to scare me. The only way I can describe the formations are if you were to look straight at the sun and then look away and blink a couple times... That "outline" of energy is what I see almost every single day. A lot of times they are just hanging out- moving around usually from room to room-, but sometimes they do taunt me and I have actually caught myself speaking to them out loud. Just things like, "c'mon get outta here." or something like that, under my breath.

Sometimes while lying in bed I get a presence like they are right in my face staring at me and it wakes me up every time my heart is pounding. Other times, they stand back away from me and just watch me lay in bed. They seem very curious about things. I have seen an image of a little girl running around the house as well. I can't see details, but I see that the energy is down closer to the ground and I see a silhouette of a dress.

I'm glad I am not the only one though that sees. That brings me a lot of comfort and that's why I joined this website. I always feel so alone in this and if I tell anyone they are going to think I am totally crazy. I told my fianc� recently though and he was a little freaked out, but he was interested in exactly what I see and how I see it. I was so happy he didn't get too weirded out and saw me through it.

Usually at my weakest points in my life they start coming up more and more trying to scare me. It totally sucks. I believe in good and evil spirits. I just don't understand the ones that want to joke around with me? Are they the evil ones or just hanging around angels? I have no idea, but usually they all make me feel nervous most of the time.

One time I was at my son's nursery and saw a bright glow of light near his crib and that was the only time I knew there was a good spirit there that wanted to bring comfort. Other than that, these spirits are a pain in the butt to have around. Really, they are! It has gotten to the point now where I just ignore them most of the times because it's aggravating.

I need to hear you can relate with me with some of this. I need support because I just feel like I'm going nuts sometimes!

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