Is This A Warning Or Nothing?

Not too long ago I posted my story about Himiko. I am still 18 at the moment and about a few weeks ago something started happening. Before the experience, let me give a few background information.

I am living in a house that's around 200-300 years old. There have been people to have died there without an explanation. This house is also a haunted house. Now I have always been able to see, hear, feel and speak to spirits. I do use an ouija board and I know of the danger. The main thing is that spirits are afraid of me at times.

Recently I been seeing lots of new spirits. They seem to be running from the spirit world I been told by some spirits. This could be a result of a couple of things happening. First there could be too strong of dark energy. Secondly some believe our world and spirit world are colliding (or fusing).

Well like I said, I have been talking to new spirits. There is a certain spirit that keeps saying and spelling certain words. It keep saying "kur nisno ligua deqir mushia" Himiko, me or the other spirits do not know what that means and can't seem to find its meaning. I feel as if this is some sort of warning.

This is all true. I would really like to hear what you people think and if any one knows the meaning of this.


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