It Won't Leave Me Alone, Am I Being Paranoid Or Is It Real?

I am now 24 and since I can remember I have been having these weird experiences. I am blessed with being able to hear, feel and see spirits. In our family I know I am not the only one but it seems that I am the only one that is affected by it or that it only seems to be happening to me. I normally see a full dressed figure with details but I can never make out any details on the face.

1* when I was around 5 or 6 years old, the house we stayed in was haunted, the room I slept in specifically, in the corner near closest to the window I would hear men laughing as if they were having a party or something, the taps in our house would go on at night as well as the bathrooms taps, the kettle would randomly switch on. We moved shortly after it started getting even worse. The lady that stayed next door to us, her son got shot by accident in their house and one year later on the same day at the same time their daughter shot herself but she survived she is Only blind, but they would tell my mom that they would burn these photos of demons or something and the photos would not burn, so I believe that there was something in their house which then affected our house as we would always visit each other.

2* we stayed in a church house and one night I woke up to find a man standing at the foot end of my bed wearing the exact clothes my grandfather did that day (my grandfather was very much alive and kicking), for some reason while the man was standing there I couldn't scream, move, breathe or do anything, it was as if I was paralyzed, only when he vanished was I able to leave the room, I went and looked if it was my grandfather but only to find him sleeping. My mom said it was my guardian angel, but I have never seen him again only that once and why was it as if he was holding me down?

3* 4 years ago I moved in to my aunt's house and for some time I noticed then when we sat in the lounge, there would be a tall man standing in the kitchen watching me and if I moved into the kitchen he would move down the passage to the bathroom and with me going back to the lounge he would stand in the kitchen again, if I was to go and bath he would be in the bathroom watching me and believe it or not he would have these glowing green eyes, one night the power went out in our house and as I came out of the bathroom this man was standing in front of me and would not let me pass him and it felt as if he was lifting me off the ground, mind you it was so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. I asked my aunt about him and she said he never goes away he was always there, when I moved out of the house he left as well. This man was only one black shadow no figure or that.

4* I have a baby now who will be 1 in 1 week. The house I am staying with my boyfriend and his parents must be haunted, when sitting in my boyfriends mom room, I keep seeing a man with a dog and cat going into the bathroom, the cat enters first then the dog then the man, from the knees down this man is floating like on a cloud into the bathroom, I never see them leave but always enter and the dog and cat run in on four legs, I mean once or twice might be my mind playing games but not every 5 minutes of the day, with that when I'm in the kitchen making my baby's bottles I can see in the kitchen window (we have an open plan kitchen) an old lady standing watching me from the other side of the lounge, she is in full detail, I see her hair in a bun, how old she is and all that, the man I see in full detail but never his face. The man always walks from the beginning of the passage to the bathroom and when I'm in my boyfriend's mom's room he goes to our room. The lady stays in the lounge, when I am in the passage the hole that leads from the house into the roof, I feel like there is someone watching me from there all the time.

I mean they say baby's can also see these things I mean my baby would often look at something and point and start smiling but there is never anything there when I look, I see funny marking like faces (demons) on our Windows the outline of it being there which Only I can see, when we touch a mirror especially my baby, I wipe it clean and come back the next day to find the hand mark in exactly the same place and I know my baby hasn't been there again.

At night when we sleep I never get to sleep throughout the night because it always feels as if someone is in my room watching me, I even sleep with the TV on because it is as if this thing is waking me up to feel its presence or that.

Nobody else seems to be having this experience because it never happens when they are around its only when I am alone and I am really starting to believe that this thing is after me or having something to do with me. I mean when I make my baby bottles for the night I keep hearing something falling in our room so obviously I think my baby has fallen off the bed, (I do this when he is sleeping) but when I go and check he is fine. This never happens if my boyfriend is in the room only if I am alone. It's like this thing is calling me towards it (keep in mind I said it moves from the passage to the bathroom, to our room. I have to walk from the kitchen down the passage to our room)

2 days ago, I was sleeping when I was woken up only to find that this thing was floating around in front of my bed just back and forth the whole time, I kept hearing a popping sound coming from the other 2 bedrooms next to ours. And once this thing left our room, the popping sound stopped. The man, dog and cat have like a black shining around them, the lady has a grey colour.

What should I do because my family think I am mad. I don't care about me but I am worried that it is going to try and harm my baby or try and possess my baby. I mean I go to church so why hasn't it stopped.

Sorry this is so long but I need closure on this please if anyone can help me or give me advice.

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