Introduction Of Ashes

I remember the few first years of moving into my new home with my mom and my brother (the home in "Modern Home Haunting"), I always experienced terrifying experiences that no one seemed to believe that were happening. Me and my family aren't a religious type, but I am certainly a believer of another world out there for that world tries to speak to me all the time.

One time my mother took me to the doctors because she thought I needed medication to calm myself down... Even though I can already be a stressful person, she didn't think that I was acting normal. I still switched back between parent's houses so I wouldn't endure the torture all the time.

One time I almost experienced a possession... With terrible nightmares and blackouts I wasn't sure what was reality or not. The spirits in my home had me thinking I was insane at one point, and that maybe the only way out was suicide. I never turned to any self-mutilation because I knew I was stronger than that, and I was stronger than the spirits haunting my home. I always had one companion ghost though... His name is Ashes.

When my parents first got separated, awful things were happening in my life and talked to absolutely no one for a while, and I told the air that I needed somebody here with me. Just that day I picked up a pen and pad and started to draw and write. It was a picture of a white wolf with black on one side of his fur and he told me his name was Ashes. He used to be a massive white wolf that died in a fire which I found interesting because all of my life I was so scared of fire, which included the stove, the oven, bonfires, fire on television anything that was hot.

He followed me wherever I went and comforted me and we grew to have a strong bond. Ashes was always there to be right beside me, trying to protect me from the other spirit's at my mom's house. I remember the scariest time at my mom's house was when the powerful spirits were able to block my connection with him for a while, and after a while I was convinced that Ashes wasn't even there and that I had no hope in my life. The overwhelming sadness in the house seemed to compliment the overall feeling of misery as my mother was having a hard time taking care of her emotional well being.

The haunting started off playful, so I thought it was Ashes trying to brighten my mood, for he is such a noble jokester. Things would go missing in the house for no apparent reason. The disappearing items became such a nuisance my mom and my brother felt some need to blame it on someone, and I was the person to blame because I always brushed off the missing items thinking it was Ashes.

When I started to get into trouble for missing things, I thought that he would apologize and stop. He didn't. I remembered my awful experience, when I was down in the basement alone, when we first looked at the house and I shivered. Maybe the spirits in the basement were doing this. From that the experiences got stronger and a bit more intimidating... Now I know better than to assume spirit activity is a positive playful one from Ashes. I've learned that spirits can be deceiving and can be cynical if you're not careful.

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