I Love This Spirit

Now to those who wonder why I think that this spirit is protective of me read this story.

This morning I was so tired that I sort of faked taking my shower (don't worry I'm wearing deodorant, so no need to worry Dan the man still smells nice) Anyway, my mom found out and began yelling at me really loud. Now I love my mom, but she goes way overboard so many times. So keeping that in mind, she was screaming at the top of her lungs at me I was like "whatever", and at that she picked up a spoon and threw it at me.

Now this is the weird part. I began to move out of the way, but as I did, that cold feeling rushed over me and I closed my eyes to prepare to get hit by the spoon, but I opened my eyes and the spoon was at me feet. That spoon was going to hit me, I saw it coming. Now at this point I'm used to whoever this spirit is, so in my head I said thank you, and left for school.

Now for those who are worried about me and my mom, were good now. I know it was the spirit, because there is no way it would have just fallen from coming right at me like it was.

I kid you not about any of these events. I know for some reason this spirit feels a need to watch me, and make sure I'm ok.

I have no idea why.

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