Did A Demon Kill My Grandma?

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This is a true story and I think it was a demon, and it killed my grandma.

One day I was home alone. I live with my grandparents and my grandpa was taking my grandma to the doctor. I was on the computer and I heard someone open the door. It was locked but I thought it was just my aunt Sherry because she has a key. I then realized she was at work so it couldn't be her.

I went to the door to see who it was and I saw this black thing right in front of me. It was shaped like a person but it didn't have a face or anything. The thing was so tall it was up to the ceiling.

Ten days later I was home alone again and my grandma was still in the hospital. My aunt Nikki came with her kids and she drove us to the hospital. Then my uncle David took me into the little church the have in every hospital and he told me my grandma had died in her sleep.

I remembered the shadow person I saw.

I figured out it was a demon. I'm not sure but I think that thing was what killed my grandma. This all happened this June. If you could help me to figure this whole thing out I would really like it. My email address in under my profile.

Stay safe and God bless...

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