Two Entities

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This is my first story so bear with me. My story starts around the time I was 8. I was outside on my lawn and to be specific my back lawn is huge big enough for an older kid to play baseball on. I was out near one of the sheds when I looked over and saw a man skinny, muscular and about quite tall. When I looked over he quickly disappeared in an upward direction.

Here is where it gets weird. About 3 weeks ago I just woke up for school and looked over at my T.V. Stand and in front of it was a female. She had dark skin, I don't know if she was African American or Indian. All I saw was wings and legs. My dad did not see her; he has to wake me up because I don't wake easy. Every thing else in my day was normal same friends, same enemy's, same everyone but a 1/16 of the grade hates me.

Here is another twist just after that entity showed up I have heard knocks in the house, I saw shadows out of the corner of my eye, along with my sister seeing them, and that creepy feeling like you are being watched, which I don't usually have.

Along with that entity I have had experiences with a different entity in my home. Some times, not often, me and my sister will hear a muffled demonic laugh, also sometimes in the middle of the night I will wake up and do various thing or remember getting back in bed or my room.

The first time this happened was around 5 years ago. I would wake up and have no control over what I did. I would do things like shower at 2 in the morning or walk around its very creepy and I don't like that I'm scared I'll do something really bad.

Thanks for reading do you think this is a Guardian angel, a demon or a confused entity feel free to put out any opinion.

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