Ghosts in the House

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My nephew Jason told me one time that he seen a ghost in their house out at Rig, WV where they lived as he was growing up. Now Jason

is much older now but, this is what he told me about that one day. He said he had seen a ghost of a pilgrim standing in the bathroom.

Now, this house has been standing for many years and I'm most sure it was there back in the civil war days and slavery.

Some of the nights I stayed out there I felt like someone was breathing over me at nights. I would automatic freeze and wouldn't move and I would keep the light on in that bedroom all night. Another ghost story I have for you is it all happened when my older sister's husband brought these dead man's clothes home with him and my sister seen this black figure disappear in the walls of what was once a bedroom, now it is part of the living room and now my younger sister and her husband live there today so, I'll have to ask her if she experience any ghost while living there.

Has anyone experience anything like this before?. What did you do at the time? Do you all think ghost could talk to you or not and if they did would you talk back to them or would you be scared and run away from them?.

I'm from Moorefield, WV Hardy County.


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