Look Alike Figure

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Hi I'm courtney, I just want to tell you all about a couple of my stories I have encountered. One was when I was asleep in my living room chair. My little sister is about 13 now and she had a friend stay the night with her. They were outside getting ready to come in and something made them stop and look up in the woods. When they stopped, they saw this girl that looked exactly like me. The girl, I guess, said that she wanted my sister and her friend to go up in the woods because the girl wanted to show them something and my sister's friend said "NO! we are not going up there because that does not sound like courtney".

The girl got mad and started talking in a deep voice to the girls. Kelsey ran in the house while Ellie followed her, and they came and woke me up and asked me why I was up in the woods and I told them "I wasn't, I was here the whole time, and what are you talking about?". They said that there was a figure exactly like me wanting them to go up in the woods, for some odd reason, and we all walked outside and it was gone. To tell you the truth it was not ME!

So I still have no idea what that figure was. And why it looked like me. If you have any ideas just tell me. Thanks for reading. I have a lot more but I will write them later on.

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