Dreams of my Dead Aunt

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I was just wondering if anyone out there can help me with this. My grandparents were killed in a car accident five years ago on July 2. My aunt and my cousin were in the accident as well, but they both survived. However, one year ago, on June 30, my aunt passed away in her sleep. She was only 45 years old and died from an accidental overdose. A combination of her pain medicine, nerve medicine, muscle relaxer, and very little alcohol.

I have never had a dream about my grandmother since she died. I had one dream about my grandfather where he was just standing on a dock by the water, looking back at me.

However, with my aunt, I keep having dreams about her. I have dreamt about her for the past two months. I have had three dreams regarding her. She is very much alive in these dreams. In one of the dreams, I am hugging her and then she asks me "Why are you the only one who can see me?" I then turn to her daughter and say "Shannon, did you not just see me hugging your mom?" Shannon looks at me like I am crazy and says NO!

My aunt and I use to be close when I was younger, but as I grew up and noticed that she was an alcoholic, we became more distant. We still talked before she died, but not like we used to. Her daughter is not doing well in life. She has starting doing drugs, partying a lot, and very sexually active.

Some people seem to think my aunt is wanting to live through me, while others think she is wanting me to help her daughter, Shannon. (I used to have custody of Shannon when she was younger, I took care of her every time her mom, my aunt, was in rehab.) Is there anyone out there who might be able to help me understand these dreams?

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