Three Days Of Paranormal Torment

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I'm not the best story teller, so bare with me. Hopefully you can keep up. About a month ago, I went camping with my best friend and her dad. Her dad is into myths and ghost sightings. I personally didn't believe in ghosts, because, it just didn't make sense. Anyways, back to the story. Her dad picked a campsite that had paranormal rumors. Well, according to him. So, Daniel (my best friend) and I were all for trying to scare her dad. It was 10:00pm, right before quiet hours, and I felt like I was being watched. So I asked Daniel's dad about the rumors. Apparently, somebody drowned in the pool right behind the main office. Also a 37 year old man abused a 13 year-old boy during quiet hours until death. Of

Course, I didn't believe it.

It just turned 11:00pm, and we had to be a bit quiet. Daniel and I had to be continuously reminded to be quieter. Her dad tried to make us believe a bunch of scary stories, and explained more about our campsite. The reason I thought he was lying, is because, if the campsite was haunted, I'm pretty sure it would be shut down. So he explained to me how the paranormal rumors actually attract people who are interested in the paranormal. For some odd reason people find it interesting, I find it terrifying.

Ok, now that I explained where I am in thought, now its time to tell about the crap I had to go through for three days.

The first night was peaceful and seemed okay, except the awkward feeling of being watched around the campfire. The next day I woke up and saw that everything from my bag was on the floor, with my bag missing. I woke up Daniel and her dad. Neither one of them knew anything about it and swore it wasn't them. Witch I eventually grew to believe. So later we went swimming, I felt something really odd in the air, and I'm not sure what it was. And I'm pretty sure it was all just in my head. Everybody else seemed to be having tons of fun. But I felt like I had an extra person weighing down my shoulders. The lifeguard looked like she was crapping her pants, watching everybody extra carefully. Daniel and her dad were looking for something suspicious. Only god knows why. But after a while we had some fun, and every now and then I could swear I saw dark shadows moving across the bottom of the pool going at extreme speeds. I didn't tell anyone, because I thought I would sound crazy. But at the same time, I swear my heart was about to give out. I kept repeating to myself that I'm not going to die.

The rest of the 2nd day was good, except that same exact feeling that someone is watching me around the campfire. Daniel and her dad felt it to this time, and I just wanted to get the heck out of there.

The third day I woke up and my bag were back, with all of my clothes in it, folded perfectly. That, I think Daniel did, so I didn't bother asking. Nobody was up yet, so I grabbed my bag with shampoo and clothes and headed to the bathroom about two minutes away. Well, 7 sites away, I might just be a slow walker though. When I got to the bathroom I took my shower, got dressed and etc. When I looked in the mirror I saw someone just standing in the stall directly behind me. When I turned around, she wasn't there. When I walked back I heard footsteps behind me. I walked a little bit faster, the footsteps got faster. Finally I ran back, and open the camper door and rushed in. The figure knocked on the door three times then whispered something, but I couldn't understand what it said. I couldn't find the strength to scream so; I ball up in the fold out chair and started praying. That was our last day, and man, was I relieved. But, while we were just leaving the campsite, I saw the girl one last time, I told Daniels dad to look, because he's interested in paranormal things/happenings. But when he looked, she vanished.

To this day, I'm still traumatized. And I haven't told many people. Any advice to get this out of my mind? I can't even sleep at night, I feel like some ones going to kill me in my sleep.

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