Uncle Tom

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My family has this old farm, about 20 miles outside Mauston, Wisconsin. My family used to visit every Sunday and play in the bluffs around the farm. The farm house was built in the early 1900's by my great-great grandparents. Today, my great aunt and uncle live there. So on one visit, I was washing up for dinner and something caught my eye in the bath tub. Well, that bathroom wasn't there when the house was built, it was a pantry. Later on, it was made into a bathroom. So I turned around and saw a man wearing overalls and writing in a leather bound book. He had really bright blue eyes and dark brown hair, and his leg was twisted funny. When he noticed me he let out a hearty laugh and pulled the plug to the tub, he went right down the drain. I was eight years old and terrified when that strange man just went right down the drain. I shot out of that bathroom and told my mama and great aunt what I saw. My great aunt says "Well that sounds like Thomas..." I'd never seen a picture of Uncle Tom but he was my great uncle and died shortly before I was born. He was crippled and died in that house. My mama says that I don't have to be afraid of Uncle Tom's ghost because any ghost in that house is bound to be friendly since it was built with a heck of a lot of love.

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