Grim Reaper Type of Entity

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In the summer of 1996, I was sharing an apt in Huntington, WV. My roommate and I were having similar experiences but didn't discuss it to each other until I had the scariest moment of my life, supernaturally. What led up to my experience was on different occasions, my roommate and I were having something tapping our feet when we slept.

I was sleeping on the couch downstairs one night after falling asleep watching a late night movie. At the end of the couch where my feet were I kept feeling a thud. Like something was hitting the end of the couch where my feet were. This happened a few times on different late nights. Later, my roommate confided she had something smack her bare feet at night while asleep.

One evening, arriving home after work at the local pawn shop where I was a secretary, I walked into the apt and no one was home. So, I walked through the kitchen where the answering machine was located to check the messages. Something in the apt felt "off" to me like something in the room felt "weird". Like someone was there even no one was physically "there". I can't really put it into words. I checked the machine and had my back turned. All of sudden, something or someone tapped me very hard three times on my right shoulder. Frightened, I didn't dare to turn around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what looked like a long bony finger with three raised bony knuckles. The apparition was kind of cartoon-ish in that it was blue and green but real bright. I stood still and really didn't know what to do. Then I heard a voice that haunts me to this day. 'NOBODY'S HOME' it said in a deep guttural angry tone. Calmly, but with the hair on the back of my neck standing up, I walked through the living room and went upstairs to the bedroom and locked the door.

About an hour later, my roommate arrived home. I called down to her in a frightened yet excited voice and told her what happened. Being the accepting ghostly kind of person she is, she believed me and recounted our feet experiences that evening.

To this day, I think about what happened to me and it scares me to death. It never bothered me again and I try not to think about it too much to give it energy to come back for another visit. Whatever it was, seemed very large and very tall. I felt it was about 7 feet tall standing behind me and black. Almost like a grim reaper type of thing. And it felt very evil.

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