Itchy The Ghost

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I think Hello is needed Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and hope to get acquainted with everyone. I have read some amazing stories on here, you guys really know how to tell a story. I'm not that good of a story teller since English is not my first language. But hope you'll enjoy reading my story as I did reading yours.

Well I have had many experiences in my house which my family and 1 witnessed. One is a faint sound like that of scratching, me and my brothers heard it often before going to bed around 11:30 we would wonder around the room trying to find the source but with no luck, as we get closer to the sound it was as if it moved and went to another side of the room, and when we called our mother to come and hear it would stop.

Only my brothers and I heard it, and I used to stay up hours waiting until it stopped. It used to go silent then come back too, what was really annoying. When the sound was present I use to feel uncomfortable and couldn't sleep having the feeling I'm being watched. I didn't use to show this to my brothers who gave it the name itchy.

There was another experience I had. My younger brother has many toy bears in our room, teddy bears. They used to be placed on the radiator next to my bed like 15 of them. And they were always placed there no one moved them. So one night while I was asleep, me being a light sleeper, woke up to see 2 teddy bears next to our bedroom door, one which was floating as if being swayed around by a kid I did not see no ghost but 100% sure I saw it go from one side to the next like a meter to the left and right when I bobbed my head up off my pillow it dropped to the ground to the far left of the door and I heard like a bang as if something hit the door.

I was shocked of what I saw and new that was the thing making me feel uneasy before I sleep and what was watching me, I never thought I'll experience something I thought would never happen to me. The next day I removed all teddy bears from the room.

That's my story. Looking forward to read your feedback.

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