The Man And Dog On The Guardrail

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I have had a strange experience that has happened more than once. I work the late shift in a hospital in the city and drive home early in the mornings around 7am. I have to get on the interstate and travel for about 10 miles to my home. Close to the entrance ramp I have seen a man sitting on the guardrail with a dog sitting beside him on the ground. He does not put his thumb out for a ride but just sits on the guardrail with the dog.

The first time I saw the man and the dog I thought how sad they were with nowhere to go. On getting closer, I looked out the passenger window right at the man and he looked right back at me. As I drove past him I looked into my rear view mirror neither he nor the dog were there. I slowed down a bit and looked in my side mirror, still nobody there. I brushed it off and kept driving. Months later I was coming on the ramp after work and there they were man and dog sitting on the guardrail. Once again I looked right at him and thought that is the same man I saw months ago. I drove past and looked into the rear view mirror, guess what, no man no dog.

This happened a couple more times and finally one morning I pulled over and stopped. I looked out the back window and got out. No man no dog.

I have always been sensitive to the paranormal and have seen some questionable things, but never the same thing over and over or people/ghosts in broad daylight.

Is this man just trapped in that spot or is he trying to get my attention? When he does get my attention he disappears.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. I have other stories of strange things I have seen and had happen in the hospital I work in.

I will write further as I have time.


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