Recent Mamie Thurman Sighting

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It was a cool night in July 2007 in West Virginia, two of my nieces and I were looking for something to do, one of the girls asked to go out and stir up a ghost. It was around 9:00 p.m. We drove around for a bit and ended up in Logan County, after reading a web site concerning the brutal murder of Mamie Thurman. It has been more than 60 years since the murder, which occurred in Logan County on June 22, 1932, legend has it that her body was dumped in the woods along 22 mines mountain road.

So lo and behold that's where we (my nieces and I) drove to, we had two digital cameras with us, while Tina drove Marsha and I clicked our cameras at random, for the most part all we could see on the small screens of our digitals were orbs, distorted pictures and the glare of the headlights.

When we returned home and uploaded all the pictures onto my computer, Marsha had turned around and snapped about 4 pictures of the back windshield of the SUV we were riding, (the back window was heavily tinted) in all but one of the pictures the only thing you could see was a black window, in one of them there were many orbs, of all different sizes, in the midst of the orbs you could see a very clear picture of a dark haired woman dressed in a black cloak.

When I uploaded the pictures from my digital camera I captured many many orbs, one of the pictures turned out very distorted all accept the lower right corner where it is very plain to see a woman dressed in a black cloak (long cape) sitting on the ground leaned up against a tree with her head bowed and her arms crossed.
Picture of Orbs 1
Picture of Orbs 2

Up to this point I was a skeptic, but now I do believe that when a person is murdered or passed before its time that their spirit lingers on earth.

[note from the webmaster: this story has been updated by the author on 2007-07-27 with the following email:]

"Hi, if you look to the lower right you can see a woman sitting there leaning against the tree. In the second picture l am sending was taken by my niece with a different digital camera. The window of the SUV we were riding was heavily tinted, look past the orbs to the right you can see a woman in a black cloak. The vehicle was on the move when both pictures were taken. Both pictures were taken about the same time, it was about midnight on July 21, 2007 on 22 Holden Rd. In Logan County.

Thank you for your interest in my story and pictures..."

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