Shoe Lane Ghost

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This is my 2nd ghost story I've submitted (it seems like I attract ghostly activity). In September of 2005, I was house-sitting for my aunt who was on vacation. She rents a house in Shepherdstown, WV off of Shoe Lane. The house has 3 apartments in it and the house is very old at least over 100 years old or more.

One night, I was sleeping downstairs and my crazy alcoholic boyfriend kept calling around 3 a.m. getting stupid with me and causing trouble because I was staying there alone. We had a big fight on the phone and I turned the ringer off. There was a phone in the upstairs bedroom and I could hear it ringing. My boyfriend at the time was psycho and kept calling the house. The upstairs bedroom where the other phone is located has an old wood floor that is very distinctive if someone is upstairs walking around. It creaks very loudly.

As I was laying in the dark, hearing the phone ringing upstairs, the phone finally stopped ringing. Then, I heard what sounded like a loud bang! It sounded like a big box or a desk was picked up and thrown to the floor as if to say, "BE QUIET!". I got up and stood there and called out, "Hello?" Nothing. Then, I listened for a footstep. Like it heard my thought, a creaking step was heard then another. I dared not to walk up the stairs so I got my keys and left.

The next day, I returned and went upstairs to check it out. Nothing was disturbed. Nothing was moved. I got the feeling that the spirit of the house was sick and tired of the disturbing phone calls and was sending out a warning to stop.

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