Orbs, Voices And The Gentle Touch

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For a while now I have been having some very strange things happen around my house.

One night I was lying in my bed listening to my iPod when an orb the size of a baseball started to float around the foot of my bed. I wasn't scared because I know that an orb can't hurt you or anything but I was very interested by it. Sadly it disappeared under my bed before I could take a picture. Lately I have been seeing them in my room or out of the corner of my eye, but my parents or my sister have never seen them. My mom took pictures of me and my cousins this summer and when she did, I was the first one to notice the hundreds of little orbs all over the photos!

Nothing else paranormal has happened to me that was actually in my own home before, except from when I was a kid at my old house.

When I was little, I had a bunk bed and I always slept on the top. My mom used to keep a night light by my doorway so that I could find my way out, without tripping over something. One night I was trying to go to sleep. I shut my eyes but a minute later something made me open my eyes. My entire room was pitch black. I honestly couldn't see a thing. Then out of nowhere I started to hear voices that sounded like a bunch of adults. They were so loud and sounded like they were right next to my ear. All of them started to yell at me. I was paralyzed with fear and unable to move. After what seemed like an eternity, my mom finally came in after hearing me scream and switched on a light. I asked her if she heard anything, but she said no.

After that experience I started to feel someone touching me when I was asleep. It still happens to me today. It feels like someone touching my face and shoulders. The hands are never harsh, but always feel gentle. I know it's very weird but I can't explain it. I have had other paranormal experiences outside of my house since then.

I'm very interested in the paranormal and started studying it about 2 years ago. Right now it's my favorite thing to do! If any of you have had anything similar happen to you than please tell me!

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