Wright Street Haunting

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In a small community, in lewis co, stands a small cottage home that dates back well beyond 1935. I bought the property in April of 2001, not knowing the home was haunted. I've always believed in ghosts, but I never guessed my home to be haunted. Boy was I wrong, many times after moving in, late at night, I could hear what sounded to be a female's voice, then at times, was a man's. Never sure of what was being said.

One morning I was awakened by the bedroom door to where I was sleeping, opening and slamming shut. Time moved on, many things happened, I got married, my wife was awakened to the blankets jerked off her, it was almost like they didn't like her and waited for me to leave for work. She was knocked down many times, and hit on, slapped and her hair would get pulled. A young female apparition, started appearing many places in the house, sometimes appearing solid as me and sometimes transparent.

I decided to try to record any phenomenon I could get. During the time of the recording, I got a young girl saying "I lost something in monteka". An older lady, saying that a man that lives upstairs is a hardnose. Keep in mind it's only a single story home. Who these people are I haven't a clue. After hearing the evps, I decided to look in the attic for any clues to anything that had been happening.

Well Low and behold, I found a room that I was not aware of. I opened the door and it was only big enough for a small cot and room to walk by it. So I assume this may be where the man the older lady was referring to stays. The only one ever to see this old man was my daughter. She describes him as being short, bent over and mean looking.

As the house sits empty, still yet to this day, many sounds and the gray gloomy shadows still hover over my wright st cottage home.

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