Remaining Ghostly Boarder 2

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You may have to read the first story so you will know what's going on. Recently I talked to one of my brothers that is tearing down this old house.

He said after tearing out two old fireplaces and a lot of paneling, they found some old letters and some old newspapers dating back to the 1930's.

When my brother came out of the living room that was close to the stairs. He said he heard a small child call down from the landing. She kept saying "daddy, daddy". When he looked up, for a brief moment he saw a little girl before she disappeared. She was about five or six.

In one of the bedrooms upstairs, there's one window that has a dirty rotten curtain hanging from it. Anyway he said he was standing out in front of the house talking to someone, when he looked up at that particular window. He saw a lady peeking out the window. As quick as he seen her curtain closed.

He ran into the house, up the stairs to that room, it was completely empty. He searched the entire house; there was no where anyone could hide because the closets had already been torn out. They still have a lot more work to do before they can even start on the outside of the house. Who know what will happen next? Maybe there will be more for me to write about.

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