Remaining Ghostly Boarder

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My two brothers just recently started tearing down an old deserted house that had been used as a boarding house. It had been deserted for years outside of your usual varmits from outdoors.

One day my brother's were over there working, with one upstairs and the other downstairs. The one downstairs said he was tearing out a fireplace, when out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure standing at the foot of the stairs. Immediately he went over to see, he thought it was my other brother. There was no one there. As he started back into the room that he was working in, there standing at the fireplace was an old gentleman dressed in bib overalls and a red flannel shirt. He said the figure turned around and looked at him, then disappeared. It startled him, but he went back to working on the fireplace anyways.

Shortly after that my other brother came down stairs, he'd said when he was half way down he felt a slight push on his back. At the same time as the push, he heard a man's voice saying get out. He asked my other brother did you hear a voice saying get out. He told him no, but I saw a figure standing by the fireplace.

A few days later they were able to do some research on this place. There had been quite a few deaths in the house over the years. I guess the old man was one of those that decided to stick around and watch over the old boarding house. But with all these things that are still going on there, it hasn't stopped my brothers from working on tearing this old place down. It's hard to tell what will happen next.

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