The Ghost on the Bus

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This story was about 3 years ago. Me and my family lived in California. I had to transfer schools from Alabama. My mom read to me all the schools in the newspaper and she let me choose which one I wanted to go to. She said one has a haunted bus and it was a bunch of myths, so I went to it. And tomorrow was my first day.

When I woke up the next morning, I got on my bus, the lady welcomed me and told me to go to the last seat on the very last boy row and so I did, and when I sat down, an old friend of mine turned around and told me I should ask to move, I asked why and he said "back in 1896 an old man from the KKK killed a little girl on this seat" and I said, "that didn't happen". He said "oh yes it did. OK, don't believe me".

That afternoon I went to my bus to go home and when I got to my seat, for a second I thought I saw a shot little girl laying down in my seat. She was mumbling my name. When I got home I told my mom what I saw. She talked to the bus driver about it, the bus driver told her it is just a imaginary thought. My mom agreed. When I got home she told me to stop thinking about it and I did.

The next morning I got on the bus and when I sat down I looked out the window and the little girl was holding a gun and she was mumbling a word, but I never went back to that school.

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