The Wierd Black Shadow

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This is a story told to me by one of my teachers. We will call him Mr.Shahin. This story took place in Bangladesh, his home country, when he was about 8 years old. He is now 26 years old. This is definitely a true story because while saying this it still gives him shivers!

Shahin was 8 years old at that time. He had some eye infection in his right eye. Shahin was always in bed and his mom used to put medicine in his eye every night. One night, Shahin didn't want to have the medicine put in as it was very painful. He turned on his television and pretended to go to sleep, his mother didn't like him watching television. He locked the door and kept the key with him. He kept all the lights on and pretended to go to sleep until his mother went to sleep.

He had his back to the door when he heard the creaking of the door. He thought his mother had come to give him medicine. He heard the footsteps coming nearer and when they reached the bed, Shahin said that he didn't want to have the medicine put in his eye. The "thing" sat down on his bed. He knew this because he felt the side of his bed going down. Then, all of a sudden, he realized that he had locked the door and the key was with him so how could anyone open the door?

He slowly lifted his covers and he saw that everything was dark. (He had put all the lights on before sleeping). When he looked up, he saw a very dark, black shadow looking down at him. The shape was not describable. He was so scared! Shahin tried to scream but no voice was coming from his mouth. After about 5 minutes, the shadow left and all the lights came on as well as the television.

He got up as fast as he could and ran to his mom, who was in the kitchen. He asked her whether the lights had gone out but she said no. He then told his mother the full story but, as most parents, his mother didn't believe him.

Can anyone tell me what that "black shadow" was? I was really confused while hearing this story. Does anyone have any explanations? Thanks for reading, all!

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