My Old Pup

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My sister Emma and me, Alicia, always wanted a puppy. Emma was about six, and I was eight or nine. My parents went on a vacation in the United States (Florida). When they got back and opened the door, they had a baby golden retriever. I was shocked. THEY BROUGHT HOME A PUPPY! Not even a year with him, he tripped over one of our wood shop tools, and broke his back leg. Every night after his surgery, he would sit under the table and cry. If you tried to pet him, he would bite. He was in so much pain.

After about two weeks he died. For the first week, no one talked. But at night, we would always hear this strange dog cry. My mom and dad would search for the noise. Then they heard it come from under the table! We figured out that it was the ghost of our puppy. At night, sometimes, you would feel something jump on your bed and it would sink. We treat the ghost nicely. Even now, he still growls. But sometimes, you would not even notice him.

Now at 23, I bought the house that I used to live in. The last people who lived there said there was NO ghost dog. But when I moved in that house, the puppy returned. My old pup.

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