The Man in the Back

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Now, this is not an event that had taken place in front of my own eyes, but it has surely happened to my grandfather. My dad told me this story and it gave me a chance to look at spirits who have yet to rest but are not actually "scaring" people to death. Here is my grandfathers tale:

My grandfather was only 36 years of age and he of course needed a job. He had looked in agriculture, the stores down the street, even the starkist factory that was quite a ways away. No jobs whatsoever. Finally, after 3 weeks of looking, he had seen an ad for a "wanted bus driver for the night shift." At the time he didn't care what kind of job it was or when he had to work, all he cared about was supporting his family.

After a few days, he had gotten the job to work from sundown to an hour before sunset. The bus driving job was steady, he really didn't have any riders unless it was someone who also worked late. Soon, he had picked up on which riders came on, what time they came on and where they should be dropped off.

But, a year into the job, he had gotten a new rider who would only ride for that one night. He saw the man standing at a stop to which no one had stood before and for the first time he could stop there. The man was described as: well-rounded, pale, with a blue suit (which was very odd because it is so hot in samoa, even at night). Like every other customer, my grandfather had welcomed him with a smile. Being the kindly fellow my grandfather also tried to talk to him. He asked him: "How are you this evening?" "Where did you come from?" and just normal conversation questions. The only thing this man replied to is where he should be dropped off.

My grandfather tried to get something cheerful out of the pale man, but there was no response. As soon as the bus got to the destination as stated by the man, my grandfather opened the door, looked up to the mirror and said to him "Here is your stop sir" and looked ahead. Usually, at this time you can hear the passenger get their stuff together and proceed to the front. But not this time. He heard dead silence. He looked up at the mirror again, AND SAW NOTHING.

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