A Message from my Father

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This story is about my mum. A few weeks ago her dad passed away - my granddad. One night she was thinking about him a lot. She slowly closed her eyes when suddenly she smelt arabian perfume (my granddad always wore that). She looked up but saw nothing.

A big gust of wind went past and she heard his voice saying "help your daughters". My mum looked over (my mum, me and my sisters sleep in the same room, my mum and little sister on a double bed and me and my older sister on a bunk bed) and saw a shadowy figure walking up to me and my sister. My mum shouted at it and it looked straight at her, it had no eyes, which freaked my mum the most. It ran to her and pushed her down on the bed. Then it put the covers over her and held her hands tightly. She couldn't breathe because of the covers over her and couldn't move her hands because that thing was holding them.

Me and my sisters woke up when we saw my mum struggling in her sleep. We woke her up and she told us what happened. My sister was trying to calm her down when we saw red finger marks on her hand - exactly the same place where it was holding her. My dad rushed upstairs to check on us. He said that he dozed off on the sofa when he felt someone run past him. He chased it to the other room but by the time he got there it was gone.

Freaky! Well hoped you like that story I have plenty more!

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