Small White Ghosts

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The encounter was nine years ago, the time was between 3:55am-5:00am; I was begging my mother not to leave me by myself because I was afraid of being left alone. She reassured me that my father would come within one hour. Despite my begging and sobbing, she left me at the doorway of our home. I was so scared of being left alone that I ran to my bedroom and crawled into bed with my younger bother. I heard what seemed like footsteps and voices; I quickly got up and ran to my bother's side of the bed, and tried desperately to wake him up. He would not awake from his slumber. I burst in tears, I have never felt so frighten in my life. The voices seemed to get closer and closer until these white small ghosts surrounded my body, their lips moved as if trying to tell me something of importance. I didn't care what they wanted to say to me, I just wanted it all to go away, so I slumped down on my knees and sobbed uncontrollably.

Next thing I know I woke up in the floor. I tried telling my parents about it, my best of friends, almost everyone I was acquainted with. I'm now fourteen years old although none believed me; those images are some of the things that will stick with me until death...

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