My Dad Doesn't Believe In What He Saw?

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It was about 3 years ago that my dad was in his bed room with my mum. It was about 1:15am and he woke up from a light being at the end of his bed. He looked down the end of his bed and the lamp that was meant to be on his bed side table was at the end of the bed. He couldn't see exactly what was there but he slowly sat up to look over his bed. He saw a shadow of a woman reading a big book turning the pages very heavily. He lay back down shocked but being my dad was unconvinced of what he saw, so he looked back up and the lady was still there. The lady was still turning pages but there was a wheel of a bike beside the book the lady was reading. My dad went back to bed and the next morning told my mum. She was really creeped out because my grandma was in a wheel chair when she died by hanging herself when my mum was only 9 years old. My mum thinks that the bike wheel was the wheel of her wheel chair and the lady that my dad described sounded more and more like her. That same day mum and dad were looking for the plans book for renovating the house we still live in, but they never found it.

My mum thinks that the book the ghost or spirit was reading was the renovating plans. Mum decided she wasn't going to renovate she thought maybe her mum was trying to tell her someone would get her if she ended up going through with renovations. The weird thing is that my dad still thinks there is a scientific explanation to what happened that night.

I have thought about it over and over but I can't think of anything. I found this site and this is the first story I have posted. I know this one is only what my dad saw but I have seen a hell of a lot more in the downstairs of our house. People on this site I have read go looking for the history of the house. But the strange thing is that there was only ever one other man that lived in our house?

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