My Two Experiences

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As can be guessed by my user name I often sit on the fence when it comes to making judgment on most things however recent experiences have left me wondering whether I have a very active imagination or if some strange things are happening in my house.

I live alone in the Blue Mountains which are west of Sydney NSW, and there is nothing unusual about my place that I am aware of.

The first experience was about three months ago at around 4:30 in morning. I heard someone coming into my room which was strange enough but not long after this sound stopped I felt the definite weight of someone sitting on the side of my bed. I jumped out of bed to turn the light on and when I did there was no one there. I am not ashamed to say that I slept with the light on for a few weeks after that, but no similar incident occurred.

The second incident occurred this morning, again around 4:30. While lying in bed I heard a dinging metallic sound. The sound was repetitive with each ding being about 5 seconds apart. I got up and turned the light on so as I could locate the sound.

Wedged tightly between my cupboard and the wall is my old steel string guitar and that is what was making the noise. I stood there in the light the sound continued, about every 5 seconds the same dinging noise which now could be called a mute kind of strumming.

I quickly wrenched the guitar out threw it on floor at which point the noise stopped.

At this point I am considering the obvious. I don't get online often so I won't be able to join in on discussion but I would be grateful for any feedback

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