My Dark Figure

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My experience occurred last Sunday night. I was in my bed reading a book for school, when I heard a large thump outside my door. Fist I thought that it was my little brother playing a joke, so I opened my door. For no reason in particular, I looked at the mirror that was directly in front of me. Behind me was a large figure. I ran out of my room and into my kitchen. I hid behind the kitchen table.

First I thought that we were being robbed, so I ran upstairs to my parent's room. I woke them and told my step-dad to come down and have a look. He firstly went into our kitchen and took our large butcher knife. He then told me to get the phone and get ready to call 000. He walked into my room and later came out. He looked around the house- my brother, mum, and my next door neighbors helped. After not finding anything they went back to bed.

I tried to get back to sleep but the figure was standing in the corner of my room. It stepped forward and I screamed. My parents came running and searched the house again. But they didn't find anything. My mother called the police. They checked our house and couldn't find anything.

After about a week, I forgot about my experience and told myself that I must have imagined it. Then one night, I came home late from friend's party. I was sitting on my bed when I noticed that a large book slid forward about 20cm. I stood and pushed it back in place. But as soon as it was back in place, another book slide forward.

I sat back down. I glanced over at my wardrobe. It seemed to be breathing. I ran out of my room and into our dining room. I peered around the corner and saw the figure. It was slowly moving forward towards me. I then heard something whisper in my ear. "I know your there." I screamed and ran into the toilet. I locked the door and turned on the tap. I splashed water on my face trying to calm myself. I looked back up at the mirror and saw the figure standing over me.

I ran into my brother's room and climbed into bed with him. I fell asleep after about five hours watching the door, waiting for the figure to appear.

I am still troubled by the dark figure and many other occurrences including; things sliding forward, voices whispering in my ear, and staring in spots. I need help if you have answer please comment. I was really scared.

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