My Experiences - To Date

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Although, I've always been interested in reading ghost stories, I must admit I have never actually seen a ghost but, I have felt and heard them...

When I was about thirteen years old, I was at home with my older sister and her partner (while my parents were out shopping); they both went downstairs to their room while I stayed upstairs in mine.

About half an hour later I heard talking from the kitchen (which was upstairs) and a cupboard drawer being opened and then banged shut. I of course assumed it was my parents back home so I went out to greet them, only to find the kitchen (and the whole second floor of the house) empty...

I freaked out and spent the rest of the time until my parents did return in my room...

Later on I confessed what I had experienced to my sister and she admitted hearing the drawing bang in the kitchen too and had just assumed it was me.

Another time, after driving past a pretty horrific car accident I felt something grab my hat. I was sitting in the back seat of the car and everyone had their hands in sight. Again, I freaked out.

I have experienced other phenomena but, not really ghost related mostly psychic, I might add those stories later...

Thank you for reading

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