My First Ghost Hunt Made Me Sick

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Since my last story I have started ghost hunting in australia to better understand the paranormal. There are only two of us but we are looking for others to join. This story is about my first ghost hunt which did not go as well as planned. I have only ever told this account to one person and there help and guidance for future hunts has been extraordinary in keeping my partner and I safe.

Some of you may recall my first story Unwanted Party Guest which involved a cottage with a very troubled and violent history behind it. This was the scene of our first ghost hunt. My partner is very religious whereas I am a little skeptical of religion. We arrive at this cottage and start taking some pictures of the surrounding area. Not much came up on these except for an orb or two every know and then.

We then make our way up to the house. My partner crosses her self and says a short prayer before entering. I do absolutely nothing and just walk on in. We walk around the house from room to room taking photos and just keeping an eye out for anything unusual. After taking photos my partner starts asking questions out loud such as "if there are any spirits here please show us a sign". Nothing happens in the living room.

We head for the bedroom where the murders took place and my partner once again asks questions "if there are any spirits here please show yourself". As soon as she finishes talking, I feel a sudden drop in temperature, and it was summer at the time. I ask my partner if she felt it and she said no. I suddenly start to feel nausea and dizzy. My partner notices this and starts to worry. The next thing I know, I'm outside flat on my back looking up at my partners worried face. She told me that I blacked out and she dragged me outside.

For the next week after that I had to miss work because I was always cold and sick. I would wake up from a very strange nightmare and would recall smelling a foul smell just before I wake up and when I wake up I would be sick.

I am now well and have returned to work and have started to be more religious. My partner and I have been on more hunts since which have turned up some great evidence.

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