My Two Experiences 3

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In order to understand the following you may need to read "My two experiences" and "My two experiences 2". Since these experiences have started I have tried to gather some past information on my house, I have even joined in on a local ghost tour so as I could get a better understanding of the Blue Mountains possible connection to paranormal events. I have to say though my searching has brought minimal results.

I guess the only item of interest is that the previous occupant was an old lady who lived as a virtual recluse, keeping no company except the occasional cat (neighbor's feedback). When I bought the place it was considerably run down hence my need to renovate in the last couple of years. If it is in fact the old lady hanging on then I could possibly link that to the presence sitting on my bed, although I am struggling to find a connection with the remaining events I have previously mentioned.

I have previously stated that I am no longer worried about these events in fact I have become quite interested in what is going on and with all that is happening I am still happy to discover that some if not all my have a normal/natural explanations (although the guitar incident is going to have need some serious explanation to convince me that it was normal). I guess the only thing that unnerves me a bit is something that I lightly touched on in my last post.

Most recently I have heard whispering in the spare bedroom, only slight to the point where you could mistake it for something else, I could almost pass it off if it were not for the fact that the couple of times I have heard this whispering, it seems to cease when the light is turned on.

This room used to be part of the original verandah however I have since closed it off and added a wall so as to make it a room for guests, not sure if this relevant just thought it was worth mentioning. With this whispering noise I could not make out any kind of voice or words, just a hushed almost comical "psst" sound.

This probably concludes my posts on this site as I have pretty much shared all that has gone on.

All in all I have been grateful to have had these experiences as they have considerably opened my mind. If anything of significance happens in the future I will be sure to let you all know.

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