My Ghostly Experiences

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I have a few pieces in one, so I'll start from the beginning.

Last year I was at my dad's house. It was summer and very still and warm. It was night time. I was taking my hair out looking in the mirror on the back of my door. All of a sudden a really cold breeze blew under the door. I was really confused but shrugged it off and went to bed. That night I suddenly woke up for absolutely no reason at all, but was wide awake. All of a sudden my door opened just opened. It didn't just open a little bit, it opened all the way to the wall, and in such a manner that someone had opened it. I could feel that someone had walked in. I couldn't see anything, but could feel it. I bravely got up and went to see if anyone had opened my door to check on me, even though I saw nobody. Everyone was fast asleep. I was way too scared to go back to my own room, so I slept in my brother's room.

The next morning I told my dad of the account and he told me it is known there is a presence in his house. It didn't scare me though, I just thought 'cool'. From then I've thought of this presence as a Casper-like ghost, friendly. I've had 2 other run-ins with this ghost. One when it opened the front door to the wall. I smiled and said 'hey' even though I couldn't see anything or anyone. The other was when I saw a black figure walk into my dad's room. I assumed it was the 'presence'. I also often feel the 'presence' standing over my bed watching me. It freaks me out, especially in the dark because I think there's a real person standing there. The 'presence' also likes itself to be known, and will often flick the light switch in my bedroom, keeping the light off if that makes sense.

Another story is that at the start of this year I did a Ouija board with some of my friends. We placed candles around the board, and used a shot glass as the planchette (I know, should've put salt as well...)

There were about 8 of us, and we opened the board properly, but it wasn't working well at all, so we split up and did 3 at a time. When 3 of my friends were doing it, the rest of us were in a different room. Suddenly one of my friends walks in and says to me "they want you to come in" (they being the ghost) so I got up and walked in. They told me they'd called my grandmother. I sat down and put my finger on the planchette. I asked if it was my grandmother and it quickly went to yes. I then asked where she was and she spelled out 'heaven'. I all of a sudden started balling and left. I know I broke the circle, but didn't know that was bad at the time. My friends closed the board (although I don't know if they did properly) and came into where me and my other friends were. They told the others we'd spoken to my grandmother. One of my friend's who was in with the Ouija sat next to me and couldn't stop shivering. She didn't know why, because she wasn't cold and it was summer.

From this, I understand that I may not have been talking to my grandmother, but I like to believe I was, so please don't ruin that.

The next day I went home and took my board with me. My mum put the board in our garage. Since then, every time I go into my garage I feel like someone is in there. I also sometimes get the feeling someone is in my bedroom. I just get the feeling I am being watched. I also have a balloon in my room, and it sometimes moves around the roof like it is being pulled. It is sitting over a doll I have which my grandmother gave me, and I didn't put the balloon there. I am choosing to believe my grandmother has stuck around and is watching over me, and this is her way of telling me.

I thought I'd share my experiences of ghosts, since they're positive ones to show that positive things can come from the paranormal and not just hauntings.

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