My Two Experiences 2

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Since my last story I have had more weird stuff happening around the house which I am now quite open to calling paranormal experiences.

Following on from the presence on my bed and the guitar playing by itself I can now add doors opening of their own accord (maybe wind), footsteps, whispering and cold spots in the back of the house.

Two major experiences that stand out have happened in the last two weeks. The first happened around 6:30 in the afternoon, I was sitting in my lounge room reading the newspaper when I heard my front door open and footsteps making their way toward my direction. Not yet alarmed I got up to see who it may be; upon entering the next room I discovered that there was no one there and that the door was closed, locked in fact.

The second experience happened 3 nights ago at about 3:30 am. Lying in bed thinking as I often do at this time, I heard what sounded like canned laughter. I was neither asleep nor dreaming and this laughter was quite loud, it lasted about 30 seconds before fading out. No longer freaked out by these experiences I got up to see if I had left the TV or radio on only to find out that I had not. Due to previous advice on this site I have begun to seek out history on this house however I have had not much luck so far.

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