Mysterious Footsteps

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One morning, in 2005, when I woke up at 4:30am, I was very thirsty so I went to the kitchen and got myself a drink. It wasn't very dark, it was just starting to get light. So I didn't have to turn any lights on, everybody was still asleep with their doors shut. I made my way back to my room and just as I was entering my bedroom I heard a thud. Like somebody just jumped off something in the kitchen. I ran into my room and laid in my bed shaking as I heard footsteps up and down the corridor near my room, my door is in a way where if there's enough light (which there was) I can see down the corridor and the way my bed was at that time, I was in a position to see if anything was there. I stared at the door terrified I might see something. I could hear the footsteps up and down the corridor, it went on for ages, I eventually (still shaking) walked up to the shelf near my door and grabbed my metal CD holder, and walked out into the corridor, then the footsteps stopped. I called out "if anybody is there please show yourself" but in a much more shakey please don't show yourself way. When I decided what ever it was has gone, I turned and walked back into my room and as I turned my back to go into my room I felt this sudden feeling I was being watched, so I ran into my room, turned on the light and laid in my bed... I eventually went back to sleep.

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