After My Dad Pass Away

A little bit about myself I'm Hmong so I do believe in ghost and stuff. This event took place in Saint Paul, MN.

My father passed away on May 19th 2005, about two weeks before I graduated from high school. Now I'm 23 years old and finally decided that I could maybe share the experiences I had. You see my father passed away in his sleep at my older sister's house. So for the whole entire month that we prepared for my father's funeral my sister and her family wouldn't step a foot into their home. They stayed with my mother and us at our two level 3 bedroom apartment. Since both of my parents divorced we stayed with our mother and occasionally on the weekends my father comes over.

After we laid my father to rest, my mother urged my sister to go back home but she wouldn't leave. Since it was summer time having a lot of people together is very fun and we all needed that. For some odd reason during the day everything would be fine nothing happened. But at night after midnight things get creepy. No only did I see and hear things, but my whole family did too. So we all decided to sleep together in the living room, since it was huge.

One night I heard the screen door on the porch door opening. I'm thinking like that's got to be the wind, but there was no wind that night. I always try to substitute things when I know it isn't true. Then suddenly I heard the door knob jiggle like somebody was trying to get inside but they were locked out. At this time I got so scared and I tried to see if anyone was awake and hearing this, but no one was. Then I pulled the cover over my head and fell asleep, the next thing I knew it was morning.

Then the next couple nights nothing happened. So I decided to tell my family about what I heard. It was weird but my family said they all heard it too, but on different nights. My mother joked and said, "It must have been your father...hahahha..." But to us it wasn't a joke momma.

That night I heard the same thing again, but after the screen door opened this time there was knocking on the door and I heard my father's voice. He said to open up the door its cold out there and hurry up. To my amazement some of my siblings were awake and they heard that too. We just all stayed frozen and stared at each other for awhile.

Then for many nights we kept on hearing the same thing over and over again until morning this went on for about month then it stopped. My father was a smoker so he loved to sit on the porch door every time he smoked when he came over. I sometimes wonder if that was his favorite spot and he couldn't let go.

Of course I would also have dreams of my father coming home and he isn't dead. My family we are out on picnics or fishing trips like we use to go on every summer. It felt so real, and I even asked my father if he was dead. He replied back that he isn't dead and he will always be with us. Thinking about all this when I woke up it made me feel happy, but sad at the same time.

My mother had told me that when you just die, you sometimes don't know that you are dead so you linger on. So that's why my father comes and knocks on the door for us to open it for him. But maybe he realized it that's why it stopped.

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