Ghost Aura-residual Energy

Only once in my life, I have experienced something like these two occurrences and when I think about it, they are truly phenomenal experiences, in comparison to all my others. What transpired on this morning back in the year 1988 and later in 2006 will have some of you scratching your head with doubt, but anyway here it goes... I was at my friend's house; there were a few of us there, a typical twenty something type of night, music together with beer and a few laughs. It went late into the night, finished around 4am in the morning... I drew the short straw and found myself sleeping on the floor in the lounge room of my friend's house.

It was around 8am in the morning and I was awoken by a subtle noise... (in them days I made a habit of not opening my eyes when I woke, as it is the best way to remember our dreams when we first wake up in the morning), At that time I was having day to day premonitions, sometimes only small accounts, a couple of times life saving ones. I was laying on my left side on the floor in the lounge room, if you can picture four walls around me, if I'd open my eyes I would see the left wall and anything in that general direction.

What I could see with my eyes shut! Was what I know now as an aura, but at that time I thought it was a ghost. It was a strong glowing outline imprint of a person, perhaps one inch thick white or maybe a light blue colour; sorry can't quite remember the colour... As this ghost (what I thought at the time) moved around me, it seemed to be occupied doing something... Because I could see it moving around me with a purpose. I could also locate the noise with where I could see this ghost (aura) moving.

Now here's the incredible part! Not only could I see this ghost (what I thought) with my eyes shut; I could see it on the right hand side of the room as well. So no matter where it moved around me, I could observe its movement somehow! I was not seeing it with my eyes, there was something else within my clock work that enabled me to see what ever was moving around the room? This was not an out of body experience; I was awake with my eyes shut! There's no shame in admitting this, but I was a little scared... This went on for about a minute, I didn't want to open my eyes, and I was hoping this ghost I could see would vanish. So what I decided to do was roll over on my back hoping what ever it was, would realize it was disturbing me and move on... So as I rolled over, still with my eyes shut, I was able to still see this ghost (what I thought)... It stopped for a moment and was standing at the end of my feet looking in my direction. Part of my plan worked, but now this ghost (aura) was moving slower and softer around me, so I realized I caught its attention by moving, but it was not enough to make it leave altogether. This went on for about 3 minutes in total, then I decided (although still frightened a little) to open my eyes and face what ever it was I was seeing... When I did open my eyes, to my surprise it was not a ghost, it was my friend's wife aura, that I saw moving around, for about the previous three minutes.

But, as the clock chimed in sync with my eyes lids opening! Instantly, the aura was gone and her physical presence was in total view. She apologized for waking me up; she was just trying to tidy up the lounge room... A bit of a mess from the night before. This experience for me was a truly remarkable one and I'm interested to have your insight about this story and how I was able to see her aura move around the room in any direction with my eyes shut?

A LIVING RESIDUAL ENERGY - A few years ago, one night as I woke up for a bathroom call, I got out of my bed and walked towards the door. As I opened the door, stepping into our hallway which is about 10 meters long, the light was on so I could see quite easily in most directions. Looking to my right I saw my wife not in physical form, but in spiritual form walk out from our lounge room and walk into our kitchen area. I decided to walk towards the kitchen quickly, as I was fascinated by the possibility of making contact with her whilst she was having an out of body experience.

As I got to our kitchen I just lost sight of her, but shortly afterward I'd heard our wall in the kitchen explode with a loud bang. Something I hear a lot of especially when I've been visited by loved ones and others over the years. I felt like waking her up to validate this experience, but decided to wait to the next day to see if she could remember on her own accord... Unfortunately she couldn't remember anything, which for me was a little disappointing (Always seeking the ultimate validation) it left me to ponder what I saw.

Today reading my story ghost aura, she remembers me talking about that to her a long time ago, that's one thing at least. Now here's the question, is it possible that what I saw was her residual energy walking around our house? Because I can remember the expression on her face and her body movement, which looked to me as though she was fixated in a previous time gone by, repeating a chore.

If you remember my story, night demon or nightmare, I'd walked my house (out of my body) with an intelligent understanding of what was happening. Because she had no conscious knowledge of this experience and it was a separate one for me. Is it possible what I saw, a residual energy? Is this something others may see or hear years down the track?

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