Helpful Entities Living In Our Home

If you read my story about "Our haunted house", you will understand that I'm talking about the same house.

My brother just got married last December. They lived in our house (the house where I grew up) for a while. During their stay there, they never mentioned to my new sister in law about the hauntings. She may have experienced some weird things during her stay in our home. She didn't give much thought about it until now. They arrived last Saturday for a visit here in Manila at the same time, for their late honeymoon.

She said, one time she and my brother had an argument, so she slept in one of the rooms upstairs alone. While my brother slept in his room downstairs. She said, at around 5am, she woke up to the sound of someone opening the door then turned off the fan then went out again closing the door behind. She thought it was my brother who did it to wake her up since he knew that she has an early appointment that day. But she was a bit confused why my brother didn't just wake her up instead.

When she went downstairs, she saw my mom preparing breakfast. My parents wake up very early like 4am everyday. She asked my mom if she went upstairs to turn off the fan, my mom said no, that she never left the kitchen. When she asked my brother, he simply said that it was him. Well he lied and told my mom about it later. He knew right away who or what did it. He didn't want to scare his new wife. During our conversation, my brother told his wife the truth. His wife was shocked and started telling us that whenever she's alone in the house, she felt like she's not alone or someone staring at her. By the way, it was just my dad, mom, brother and sister in law in that house.

My brother then, shared another story, he was not yet married that time. One night during a blackout, he fell asleep leaving the candle burning placed on top of his dresser. He was already in deep sleep when he felt somebody shaking him, waking him up. When he finally woke up, he jumped when he saw his dresser was already on fire. Of course, he was able to quickly put out the fire. But he swore he felt someone touching him while waking him up.

My sister and I were talking over the phone 30 minutes ago. She said, maybe those spirits or entities are good ones living in our home. But even so, I still don't want them messing with me because I don't think I can ever be ready to see or hear them again. In two weeks time, we will go home to visit my parents for a week. I hope nothing paranormal happens during our stay there. I hope they will not play with my kids.

I hope you enjoy reading my story.

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