
I wonder if ghosts or spirits can actually follow people. I think it is happening to my family. We used to live in Chicago a few years ago and we KNOW our apartment was haunted by a ghost of a teenage boy. It started with odd noises and stuff being moved around. My husband who didn't believe in ghosts at the time actually saw him first. Henry was the name I gave to the ghost for some odd reason. My husband also used to hear him calling my husbands name too. But Henry was helpful to. When we overslept he would lift the mattress at the foot of the bed and drop it until we woke up. Also he played with our little French bulldog, swinging open the doors to get his attention then slam it when he got to close.

Well in 2007 we moved back to my husband's home state of New Mexico. We settled in our new home and the incidents started happening as before. The mattress is rising and falling, whistling, shadows, and the upstairs bathroom being "used". Toilet flushing water running. A few days ago the door opened from the kid's room, closed, bathroom door opened then closed and then my bedroom door opened and slammed. No windows were open in the house or heat or air con on.

Everyone sees shadows and hears things. It's an everyday occurrence. My husband sees him a lot, peeking out of doorways when he is on the computer. A few nights ago I was lying in bed with my dogs and someone got really close to my ear and whispered "Shhhhh". I just told Henry goodnight and tried to fall asleep. I'm sure it's our Henry and I'm glad he is still with us he has become another member of the family.

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