Someone Or Something Saved My Life

This takes place in Pampa Texas, my home town. I never knew who or what cared enough to pull me back but, I am still around.

I was on my way home from school and was walking down main street. There were a line of small stores and an ally leading to the parking lot in the back. I was looking in the store windows and not paying attention. When I came to the alleyway, I was ready to step out into the passageway when I felt something grab my arm and turn me completely around. I looked for the person but no one was there. As I turned back to walk on a huge truck raced out of the alleyway and if I had not stopped when I did I would have been killed. I looked for someone to thank but could see no one on my side of the street. I have never told about this until now.

I am not sure if this other story has to do with ghosts but, something or someone was again watching out for me or I would not be writing this.

My life was again in danger in 1972. I lived in Cleveland Ohio at the time. I was married with two children and one on the way. I was seeing my doctor regularly and doing all the things to have a healthy baby. It was about two weeks until Thanksgiving and I began to have severe pains in my side and was running a high fever. My husband took me to the hospital and they said I had appendicitis. My first concern was for my unborn baby. The doctors assured me it would be fine. After the operation they said they could see the baby in my womb and that it was thriving and well. I was satisfied. Two weeks later I went into labor, hard labor. My husband rushed me to the hospital and the baby was born, but it was still born.

The doctors told me I had been carrying the child for three months and it was already dead. The doctor said I should have died. How I survived I still don't know.

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