The Staircase And My Cat

I'm not too sure where to begin as this is something I have pieced together in the past few days so please forgive me if I am hard to follow. This experience is mostly about my Cat. His name is Chaos. Like all cats Chaos is very intuitive and always knows when a presence is near. Before something bad happens, and I mean B A D supernatural or not, he will bite me once. Those are the ONLY times he has bitten me and it is rare. I'm very close with my cat and I try to understand his wants/needs and what he attempts to communicate to me (as it is often).

I recently moved in with my boyfriend who lives with 5 other guys as something bad happened in the house I was living in previously and surprise, surprise the cat bit me that day. So I'm in this new home and the guys are all very nice to me. Chaos has demonstrated certain behaviors that tell me something has been present in this house and possibly more than one. When it is just a spirit passing through he reacts curiously but nothing more. The behaviors I am now referring to are when something dark is present. It started with one of the guy's bedrooms. Chaos would not go into it, and eventually would not even be NEAR it if the door was open. The sad part is my room is right across from it. So I would open the door before bed and call "Chaos" and I'd hear his little bell at the bottom of the stairs. Hm... That's odd; he usually runs right up the stairs or sits on the other side of my door for a couple meows until it's opened. Now, he was at the bottom of the stairs, not moving an inch. Finally when I could coax him up he would walk up the stairs pressed against the wall and sprint into my room. This is how he entered my room on several nights. Very strange behavior as if he was trying to be as far as possible from the bedroom that scared him. The guy who lives in that room loves cats and has tried to bring Chaos into his room on several occasions only to have the cat run out.

Now the stairs. I have a very, very close friend whom I love dearly and trust with all my heart. I'll call her "Athena" for privacy. You may choose to believe this or not and if you having nothing nice to say about it please keep it to yourself. Athena is hypersensitive to the supernatural and can tell when something is present or has been and can usually give a pretty good description of what it is. Athena came to visit me and I asked her to come upstairs with me and tell me if she felt anything present. As we were walking up the stairs she told me there were hot footsteps, as if something dark had been walking up them. Then as we became closer to the bedroom she said her heart was racing so hard she couldn't even go into it. At this point I did not tell her THAT was the room Chaos will not go near. She described it as something very dark that likes to watch but it hides in the corner out of my view. We hung out for a while and then she had to go. Right after she closed to door and walked out of my house, Chaos was at the bottom of the stairs crouched low to the ground, ears flat hissing at the stairs. I scooped up Chaos, took him away from the stairs and tried to snuggle him better. Nope, he just jumped out of my arms and went straight back.

A week went by and the cat had been on and off about the stairs, still would not go near the bedroom. I prayed every night for the darkness to leave this home as well as salted my bedroom doorframe and window so it could not enter my room. So the day comes when there is a climax to this activity. I tried to cuddle with Chaos while my boyfriend and I were watching a movie together in bed and he would not cuddle, sit still or anything! What did he do? He bit me. One hard bite on the shoulder and then jumped off of me. My boyfriend jokingly said "see, that's what happens when you love him too much" and for some reason I believed him. Then Chaos meows at the door so I let him out of the room. Shortly after I hear meowing as he usually does from the other side of the door. I open the door and he is meowing from the bottom of the stairs instead as soon as he sees me he BOLTS into the room. I picked him up, he was TERRFIED! Eyes wide and heart thumping so hard I could feel it just from picking him up. I tried to calm him down but it didn't work. So we all go to sleep and the cat kept trying to wake me up I think but because we were tired we slept right through. We then woke up to the bed being covered in cat pee. Chaos has never done that before and I was pretty confused especially since there is a litter box in our room.

After all this Chaos is now afraid of the stairs. Specifically a certain section. He stares at it and doesn't like walking on it. I sometimes carry him up and down it when I see it's upsetting him. It's one of those days I'm hanging out with Athena and as soon as she comes over she picks up my cat and says "He's really upset" I told her about how he won't play and he's been really strange. She walks over to the stairs and tells me that there is nothing there...anymore. (I had been praying against it.) But that a few nights ago (the night the night the cat bit me) there was something dark and it scared the hell out of Chaos. What upset me most was that she said it tried to physically harm him on the staircase. Athena pointed to the section of stairs where Chaos had been very afraid of and she said "right there". As soon as I understood he started purring and went back to normal. I think it's because he just wanted me to know so I could protect him. I also think that when I heard him meowing from the bottom of the stairs was when it was happening and that is why his heart was racing and he wet our bed shortly after.

So I have salted the stairs and pray regularly and always include the safety of this home and all who are in it. I am at peace with spirits but it really upsets me that something tried to hurt my cat. Animals are innocent and it left me with a lot of questions.

Please don't ask any questions about Athena or say any nasty comments because I shared my story here to be supported and believed. Also, since I figured out what happened to Chaos he is back to normal again.

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