What Am I Dealing With

I don't remember the first time that I had a ghostly encounter. But around the time I was 11 years old. I'm now 21 now. My aunt and her family came back to live with us in Texas. When I was younger I would always hear her talking about ghost and different occurrences, but I didn't think twice about any of it and it wasn't until they came back here to live with us that I started to notice strange things happening.

I remember my cousins and I would stay up late every night talking and doing kid stuff, every night around 2am we would try get ready to go to sleep. We would be lying down, the house would be dead quiet and then all of a sudden we would hear heavy footsteps on the wood floors and we knew that nobody was over there. For some reason it never scared any of us and as an adult now I live in the same house alone and to this day I still hear things like the shower curtain moving just random noises at any time of day.

Now I have never seen anything but several people have seen a shadow type figure. First it was my sister when she was younger she said it was a tall man's figure in my mom's closet at night. She saw it every night for about a week and I honestly remember her crying about it. Once her friend said she saw a figure under her bed and that's the last time she was around then most recently my younger cousin was staying with us for the summer he said that he saw a dark figure coming towards him in my grandmothers old room.

This house is full of stories that go back to before I was born. I was told stories of one time when one of my older cousins was living with my grandmother for a while. He was working nights so he would sleep during the days. One day something woke him up and when he looked over towards his feet he said that he saw I guess little gnomes or troll's I'm not too sure exactly but it was something of that nature. My mom told me that she saw a shadow once and she's not a believer at all. She told me that she was here taking care of my grandmother like every day she would come home during her break to take care of her and this happened to happen right before my grandmother passed away. Well it was just my mom and grandmother. My mom went into the next room and as she was walking back into the kitchen she saw a shadow of a man standing behind my grandmother's wheelchair. She told me that it was my grandfather watching over her.

There was one time that I was truly scared. One night I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up around midnight. I felt like I was being held down. I could not move for the life of me. I could only move my eyes. But the week before I had heard what sounded like chanting in that same room as I'm writing this it still gives me chills to this day.

I wrote this to share my story with you guys and see what you think of it I have plenty more experiences to share with you guys.

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