Am I Living With A Ghost?

From my last story I've had far more disturbances in my house than when I last posted up a story. Since having other experiences I began to wonder about seeing if the spirit would visit me.

One night as I was lying on my bed. The door to my room was on the left hand side of my room and I said aloud "If you're here stand in my door" I never saw anything but I definitely saw a shadow go behind my door and into my bathroom, so I quickly ran out and looked into the bathroom to find no one had been in there. I asked round the household and no one saw or has done anything.

To be honest I've never really believed in god either. But on 2-3-10 on the same night as a shadow went pass my room I saw a giant flash of light in front of my door, I never felt scared at all.

Now if you're not convinced that I saw a ghost or at lest known one was there I have one that I think you'll like. If you get frightened easily DON'T read on.

Three days after my experiences I noticed that more weird stuff has been happening like: DVD player turning on. But now I saw something. At night if you walk into my kitchen you'll find that staring out the kitchen window becomes a mirror from the darkness. When I got up for a drink I saw this black figure in a robe standing by my front door and as he was looking up at me I ran under my covers of my bed and stayed there been wanting to move ever since.

Please help me all.

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