3-2-1 And The Half Faced Man

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This is the dumbest thing I've ever participated in. When reading about Ouija board moments on this site, I was wondering to myself why I've never experienced anything like it. I mean I did it once with my friends at school when we had a "free period" (No class) (During high school years). But it was one of those crappy ones, made out of cardboard and looks likes something you'll buy from a cheap magic store. Anyway - When bringing it up, my friend who is sort of an expert in paranormal activity stated that when we did it, we were kidding around, none of us "believed" in it. So my friend got 5 white candles and I asked him what he was doing? He said, we're going to communicate with some spirits. I sort of felt a little scared, and asked him if it was a good idea due to the stories I've read here.

He said it was fine as long as the candles are all lit, the spirit would be trapped in it's circle as a sort of barrier (I have NO idea where he gets his info from). He then called our other 3 friends who were playing "Street Fighter IV" down stairs to come up and join.

Daniel (The paranormal Expert) set up the candles in a form of a star (a pentagram) - He lit them up and told us to sit outside of it (but in between the candles) and placed the Ouija board in the middle. One of my friends was laughing. (and you'll know why as you read on)

We sat and we started asking questions, my friend who was laughing before, burst out in laughter and asked "Is your ectoplasm, your jizz?". WE ALL STARTED CRACKING UP! Then Daniel told us to get serious, but some of us were still giggling. Then all of a sudden the pointer went to "3" and Daniel said, "DON'T MOVE IT". We were all shocked and told him that none of us moved it.

We all let go of the pointer and it jerked to the left a bit not by much, but enough for 5 of us to notice it moved on its own. My friend Craig who started to get freaked out shot straight up and pointed to the board "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?"

We all stood up and looked at each other - Daniel on the other hand placed his hand on the pointer and yelled at us to do the same. All 3 of us did so, but Craig was like "No way man, this is some scary sh*t. I'm not getting possessed". Daniel yelled at him to just do it! So he sat down and put one hand on the pointer in frustration.

Daniel who was serious asked "What does 3 mean?" Kira (the one who asked that inappropriate question) starts laughing again, but this time Daniel told him to keep it to himself. The pointer moved to "2" and Daniel looked at us and we were all freaked out. I was thinking to myself that this is actually happening. I told Daniel to stop because I was remembering the stories from here.

He agreed and as soon as we let go of the pointer, it shot straight to "1". Daniel quickly got up and ran outside, we all stepped back from the board and he came running back with a bell and some incense.

He went to one of the candles to light the incense, but it blew out by itself... Daniel who was obviously getting freaked out was saying "sh*t" like 100x. He quickly went to the other four that was left and they blew out by itself.

The four of us were just standing back, getting scared sh*tless. He lit the incense with the lighter, and started ringing the bell. Rick then screamed bloody murder and moved back in fear causing the 3 of us to fall on the floor. We were all like "What the f... Was that about?" He quickly moved away from the door as far as he could, and said that there's some man, with half a face standing in the door way.

All of us had chills running down our spine and started moving away from the door but not looking at it. Craig then all of a sudden, vomited! I quickly ran to Daniel and grabbed his arm, to tell him to "DO SOMETHING!"

We were all having difficulty breathing and felt really weak, to the point we were about to cry in weakness? Like when you're really tired, you sigh and moan and it feels like you're about to cry. Daniel then lit the five candles and threw the incense on the board and lights it on fire.

After a few seconds, everything was back to normal... We still felt a bit weak but our strength was building back up. Rick was still shaken up by what he saw. Kira was just standing there looking into space from shock. Craig was lying down on the bed.

As for Daniel and I, we were cleaning up.

Four days had passed from that event, every morning I would wake up. My head would hurt until I lay back down, it would be ok. I stand up, my head would hurt again. Rick would get flashes of the half face guy every night at exactly 9:00pm.

Craig would wake up at random times during the middle of the night to have a sense of overwhelming fear come over him. Kira can't be alone in his house anymore because he feels as if someone is watching him and Daniel hears whispers during the night.

My headache would come and go, but - Medication doesn't seem to be doing anything.

Going to go to the Doctors this weekend.

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