Angry Presence

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I'm new to this site and I have read a lot of stories that give me chills up my spine and there are so many experiences with the other side that I am so relieved that I am not the only one experiencing paranormal things!

I have always been able to sense presences around me especially in my mother's house (note I no longer live there but visit all the time). I was 7 months old when my mum bought the house and I lived there until the age of 19.

Back before the hale storm we had a sunny room. Now to get to the sunny room you would have to come through the front door of the house and as you entered you had my mums bedroom on the right hand side and my sisters bedroom directly across (note these rooms and where the dining/lounge room are still there) then if you continued walking you would have the lounge room on your left and the dining/TV room on your right. You would then continue across under the arc to the kitchen (again note the kitchen and onwards no longer exist after the massive hale storm that was all torn down and renovated) then you would walk down two stairs and there was a small hallway that had the laundry on the right side and my brothers sunny room on the left.

To my understanding my mother told me that a man named Fred used to live in the house prior to my parents and was always grumpy, he had bars on the window and pretty much would never leave the house but he had died from a heart attack just before my parents moved in.

Anyway it could be 40 degrees plus outside and when you would enter this room it would feel as if it was minus 20 degrees and I always felt as if someone was standing there watching me wanting to tell me to get out. I would find myself frozen on the spot expecting to hear a deep voice yell out "get out of this room". Strange things would happen quite often. If I went in there to watch a movie and I would have the remote next to me I would find it a few minutes later on top of the TV. Things would move or be thrown randomly and you could always hear someone walking swiftly towards you almost running. This happened for quite some time up until my mum renovated the house. I can say pretty much everyone in my family has had a scary experience and still does even in the new part of the house as well as me!

My mother had once told me that when I was still a young child she would take me to the bathroom at night when I had to go and one night she saw a huge bolt of light flash by her and being so frightened she carried me and ran back to my dad and started praying. My mum is a religious person and we have a lot of holy pictures in the house so for someone who doesn't think about these kinds of things or does not get scared of much and have something like this happen to her was a scary experience.

Since the house was renovated we now have an even bigger hall from where the old kitchen used to be and whenever I would sense and still sense a presence (not always good) there is always arguing going on and I always see a dark figure walk down the hallway after we stop fighting. Almost as if this entity or whatever it is wants us to fight and leaves when we stop

I now live in another house with my husband and we have been arguing quite a bit lately and I feel that there is something there next to me. I feel so different (a changed person almost) when this presence is around and I start fighting with my husband. My husband has told me on a few occasions he feels as if I am someone else or as if someone has taken over me - which is very scary! So I would very much like to get a priest but if there are any other ways to get rid of this thing your suggestions are much appreciated

There are a lot more experiences that I have had so when I get the chance I will post them...

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