Amazing Paranormal Experiences And Footage Also

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Where do I begin. I have lived my home in QLD, Australia now for about 2 years now. I live in a basic 5 bedroom 2 bathroom home. I first started noticing paranormal experiences ever since we moved here but I never thought much of them. Myself & my family (Mother, Father, Sister & Brother) have all seen something paranormal. I am going to list some major experiences we have had.

- This encounter happened a few months ago. My brother who is 16 was walking into my brothers old room when he saw someone hanging themselves from our ceiling light/fan. He witnessed this for a couple of seconds until the body vanished and nothing was there besides the light & fan.

- Our kitchen opens into the family/study then into the hallway. I was in the kitchen when I noticed a white person in the corner of my eyes. I looked to see a full body person who was just pale white. The 'person' started running to the outside door. I had to peak around the corner to see the person because of a wall was blocking where this person was running. I didn't see it. I told my dad about this experience and he has seen the same person, a full white person in the same area I saw it to.

- Me and my sister were sitting in our family room and it was about 12:00am, we asked if their was anyone present here (like what the ghost hunters do). We hear footsteps in our hallway then my sister saw a white orb on the roof then she hears a whisper in her ear.

- My mums & dads room leads is at the end of the hallway. Alot of the nights when she lays in bed she feels like there is someone there, just that feeling like someone is there watching you.

- Our computer is right next to the hallway. The entrance to our hallway is an arch way. When we are on the computer, nearly every day we all see shadows just fly by in the hallway.

- I was walking in my laundry when I saw a persons shadow outside against the fence. I was looking outside the window at this time and it was night time. I was frozen as I watched it walk for about 4 seconds then vanish. I went and told my parents and I thought someone was outside robbing us or something like that. None was outside though. This is one of my first encounters.

- Me and my sister were in the hallway when we both saw a shadow of a head move across our parents door at the end of the hallway. Right after seeing this 'person' there was a black flicker on the ground of my parents room. We walk into my parents room and my sister see's in our parents walk-in-robe a women in a olden day dress playing with my mums dresses then quickly vanishes. This was in broad day light.

- My brothers friend stayed over for the night. It was the middle of the night and she went to the bathroom. She didn't turn any lights on because she didn't want to wake anyone up. There was some light because a lamp was on. She was washing her hands when she looked up and behind was a young guy in short sleeve shirt and some jeans. She saw this 'man' in the reflection of the mirror. She asked my brother if my mum has ever had a miss carriage (she hasn't). She didn't know about any of the paranormal activity in our home.

- Alot of people in our family wake up at around 3:00am in the morning. I do it alot. I found out a thing called 'Dead Time 3:00am' I'm not sure if its linked or not.

- My cat sleeps in my room every night. She always does something weird. There is a small patch in my room where my cat goes mental at. She digs at it & hisses at it. My dog barks at this spot all the time also. Where they dig at is the floor boards.

- This is one of the scariest. I saved the best until last. Me, My sister and a friend decided if we could capture some of this paranormal activity on camera as it happens daily. We only did this for about 1 hour and saw/heard heaps from shadows, footsteps, whispers, thumps, music, humming, candles flickering when we ask it to etc... I have attached a link below to the video of the activity we caught as it is to long to explain it all. The video is 100% real. None of it is fake.

Myself and my family have seen HEAPS more paranormal activity. This occurs daily. We are not bothered on having this activity happening in our home, we find it interesting. They don't seem to be harming us we just want to know is it safe and is it right to have them in our home.

Thanks and I hope you all have enjoy my stories.

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